A great number of paradoxes and contradictions are born in businesses when trying to answer this question. Decisions become extremes: professional criteria are lowered and, primarily business tasks are solved. Another extreme is increased requirements taking no account of the market and often appearing because of paranoia and narrowmindedness. This leads to the destruction of the basic idea of a company and many of the decisions become excessive. Concepts become vague: product quality and value, practicability to use technologies and developer’s level. For example, the product was being produced but the main client had a lot of own needs, which led to a technological and functional adjustment. Many big players dream of doing their products but business hampers them.
But let excuses be excuses. There are good projects as well as excellent professionals! Softmotions are unknown but we try to open to people a new oasis amid the huge and motionless Enterprise-juggernauts. It’s a matter for us to be flexible and able to change.
Staying aside of "hype-rays" and rarely being in the recruitment market, our team have always thought that IT environment has already educated engineers. Certainly, a great number of Java projects and endless PR-companies of different businesses make us think that all the developers are already educated and they should not be explained simple things.
But IT world largely develops by the laws of playwriting and that’s when the problems not connected with development appear:
Machine gunner!
Let’s come to the roots and we might understand something:
Engineer: (French) ingénieur ← (Latin) ingenuim — abilities, creativity
It is all simple: not to live in the realm of illusion, a person must create something, no matter if they are a writer or an engineer. It means:
An engineer needs to move in these directions — if they are a Junior or a Senior. Unfortunately, hype-rays create radio noise among people and make it difficult to assemble an engineer team. But this is a great chance to launch new companies and projects for the people who are tired of paradoxes and contradictions.